can you remember your childhood neighborhood? is it the same as you remember, or is something off? was the light always this harsh? have you always felt this way? you enter the house. was the carpet always this sickening color? have the walls always felt this tight? your pulse quickens, you feel the tears welling up. nothing is as it should be. what was that in the corner of your eye? was that a person in the other room? why did their face look like that? you know theres a mirror at the end of the hallway you used to study yourself in all those years ago, but you dread it in this moment. you don't want to know what you look like. what if you're as misshapen as this place after all these years. your heart aches on the edge of bursting. there's movement in the kitchen and suddenly you're running for your life out the door. they're here. they're watching. they've always been watching. where'd you go?
our first baby, our first born. the first five songs we wrote together, recorded only five months after playing together for the first time. these songs represent our first etchings of finding our voice. best described as songs to cry in your car to, songs to hold your crush to, songs to sway to. engineered and mastered by the lovely cameron heck down at whalehouse. please hold these songs tenderly as we do, they're everything to us.
culture crust is a song we wrote to honor the built up crust of old show posters on the telephone poles in seattle. likening the physical memory of culture building and growing from the poles unto organic plant growth. inspired by abby's friend RBR's art series on the same subject. this song is a love letter to the music scene of seattle, whose fabric we are honored to be a part of. we made a music video too.